Water, health and education

H2OME Project


In 2017, the first operational facility under the H2OMe project was inaugurated in Angola, an innovative response to the shortage of drinking water in developing countries launched thanks to Elecnor Group’s R&D&i.

To help address the challenge of accessing drinking water in vulnerable environments, the Elecnor Foundation has developed an innovative project featuring cutting-edge technology for the supply of drinking water.

The lack of clean water is responsible for serious health problems and the H2OMe project has demonstrated that technology can contribute to mitigating these issues.

The facility in Angola is intended to supply drinking water to 10,000 people in Gove in Huambo province. The inauguration took place on 20 March 2017, to a warm public reception and solid institutional support.

Water, health and education

H2OMe is a versatile and sustainable solution developed by Elecnor's R&D&i department. It is made from disused shipping containers that are recovered, redesigned and restored to create a two-level mobile structure that is easy to transport and install.

But H2OMe is much more than that; the children will enjoy a 100 m2 audiovisual library starting out with 3,000 books, computers, DVDs and a television screen to watch documentaries and films that help to provide students with a higher-quality education. For them, it will mean opening a door to the world and knowledge. This will mean making significant strides towards equal opportunities. And to ensure optimum use of these facilities, it is the teachers of Gove School who draw up a timetable so that children can take advantage of the space and seize the opportunity presented as invaluable access to information and education.

The installation of the H2OMe module in Angola, means the school and health centre in Gove have a direct supply of water, which is also distributed via eleven sources throughout the municipality so that the maximum number of people benefit.

H2OMe is also Gove's first public space designed to offer both educational and leisure activities, complete with electricity and in a safe environment.

The relevance of this unique project has been publicly recognised:

  • The H2OMe project has been honoured by the magazine Actualidad Económica as one of the 100 Best Business Ideas of 2013. H2OMe has been acknowledged within the category of "Sustainable Ideas" as one of the outstanding projects in this area.
  • In the VI edition of the so-called "Premios Corresponsables" for the most innovative and sustainable CSR initiatives in Spain and Ibero-America, the Elecnor Foundation obtained the overall award within the category of Large Enterprises for H2OMe.


automation and cutting-edge technology for supplying drinking water to vulnerable areas

The H2OMe
inauguration in Angola had a great public reception and solid institutional support

people benefited in Gove