Vocational training
Specialist Course in low and medium-voltage electrical installations
Salesianos Deusto College
The Elecnor Foundation has set up the “Specialist Course in Low and Medium-Voltage Electrical Installations” jointly with the Salesianos Deusto College (Bilbao). This is another step towards forging a link between companies and professional training programmes.
The project complements the formal vocational training received by students of electricity distribution, preparing them for a career in the electricity industry. The Elecnor Foundation is actively involved in this project, not just designing the training programme, but also financing the adaptation of the laboratory of the Salesianos Deusto College and providing the equipment needed for the course.
The equipment and installations provided by the Elecnor Foundation are designed for two types of work:
1. Low-voltage work under tension
A low-voltage transmission circuit, consisting of a conventional bare, twisted overhead cable network on pylons, general fuse boxes, meters, underground cabling with manholes and low-voltage switchboard..
Personal protection: work clothes, helmet, face mask, fireproof gloves, mechanical protection and insulation and harnesses.
Collective protection: life line, low-voltage earthing, insulated low-voltage tools, insulating mats, vinyl cloth, insulated pincers and fuse extraction handle.
Measurement equipment: voltage tester, current clamp meter and phase rotation indicator.
2. Local Medium-Voltage Circuit Operator
Overhead bare medium-voltage distribution circuit with switchgear (XS fuses, sectionalizing switch and unipole sectionalizing switch) and connections with insulated cable to the group of cells in the transformer centre (line, measurement module, transformer protection and sectionalizing switch).
Personal protection: work clothes, helmet, face mask, fireproof gloves, mechanical protection and insulation and harness.
Collective protection: life line, medium-voltage earthing, insulated medium-voltage work bench and handling, measurement and rescue poles.
Measurement equipment: Medium-voltage detectors
Occupational health and safety
Occupational health and safety is of vital importance for Elecnor. The Elecnor Foundation impresses upon students at the Deusto College the importance of understanding and assessing health and safety issues, before they join the world of work. The objective is to create a "prevention culture" that promotes occupational health and safety for the workers of the future through measures and activities to prevent specific risks at work.
This course aims to overcome the lack of training and information on employment risks and address poor habits in this regard, addressing some of the issues that give rise to occupational accidents and illnesses.

The aim is to prepare students for their future work in the field of electricity
Key Figures
students have successfully completed the course
hours of theoretical training and classes-workshops
euros worth of equipment provided